Producer and Stage Manager - Lawson Mackay
Musical Director - John Sealey
By Gilbert and Sullivan
The Duke of Plaza-Toro - Stanley Richardson
Luiz - Ernest Fulford
Don Alhambra Del Bolero - John Miller
Marco Palmieri - Mervyn Hayne
Giuseppe palmieri - Horace Taylor
Antonio - Lionel Chew
Francesco - Jack Douglas
Giorgio - Alfred Anderson
Annibale - Roy Portsmouth
The Duchess of Plaza-Toro - Dorothy Crosby
Casilda - Vera Portsmouth
Gianetta - Shirley Wride
Tessa - Muriel Wilson
Fiametta - Elma Chew
Vittoria - Hazel Rouse
Giula - Marion Watts
Inez - Eileen Morgan
Chorus of Contadine
Q F Bird, K A Bishop, S M Cooke, M Elton, M E Fisher, W Gosling, I M Hayne, W E Joyce, E H McDonald, I O'Grady, M Owton, R Owton, J Pearson, C L V Portsmouth, S K Roberts, K M Smith, E C Smithers, J V Stone, A Symonds
Chorus of Gondoliers
R A Baverstock, R E Belcher, J W Cave, G V Harding, A V Heal, A M Hooker, R C Hutchins, H C W Hones, S J Josey, J O'Grady, D G Saunders, G W Savage, G G Smith, M H Struthers, F Watterson, R J O Witcher
A Dancy, M Bone
Drummer Boy
Michael Oliver


Please click the newspaper clipping to read the full review from The Hampshire Chronicle.