As a rule, we perform at The Theatre Royal Winchester twice a year; for a week in May and another week in November. Our productions run for five performances on average, with a maximum potential audience of approximately 1,700 tickets for each show.
We have two sponsorship packages available:
Exclusive Show Sponsorship
Your company logo on our advertising material for each production – for example on our promotional flyers/posters, our pop up banner and the seasonal programme for The Theatre Royal (over 15,000 people)
Inclusion in all editorial press releases (Hampshire Chronicle, Daily Echo, Romsey Advertiser, View Magazine etc.)
Special social media mentions with links on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Our thanks listed on our website show page as a permanent feature of that particular show
Your own exclusive page on our website during the time you are sponsoring us, with links to your own site
Advertisement in the programme (worth up to £100 for each production)
Presence in the theatre during show week - this could be your own pop up banner or your leaflets on seats
Three pairs of tickets for the Saturday night performance to come and enjoy the show
Product placement in the show (if appropriate)
Website Sponsor
Sponsoring the fees incurred for the hosting/administration of our website (not the building and maintenance of it, as that is done by us in-house) for a period of 36 months.
Your company logo featured at the footer of every page on our website
Your own page on our website, featuring artwork of your own choosing and links to your own website
Full-page advertisement in each show programme (worth up to £600 for all of the six shows)​
We are very flexible and keen to hear any ideas you have about promoting your business in collaboration with our upcoming productions.
Please contact us via email to talk through what we can do together to raise the profile of your company in the local area.
We were very grateful to the sponsor of our production of Sweeney Todd - Piecaramba, in Parchment Street, Winchester. They have not only financially supported the production which means that their logo is on all of the show's publicity throughout the town, but because of the obvious tie-in with their product and the storyline of the show, they were also given the opportunity of hosting a 'pop-up' pie shop in the foyer of the theatre during show week.